0 v 0.0, PreRelease Client 1 The Nightmare Child 2 Internet TCP/IP 3 Serial Connection For DirectPlay 4 Modem Connection For DirectPlay 5 IPX Connection For DirectPlay 6 Internet TCP/IP 7 Serial Connection 8 Modem Connection 9 IPX Connection 10 \n\nLoading Tutorial... 11 \n\nLoading Level... 12 \nLoading Failed.\n 13 \nFailed to switch worlds.\n 14 \nFailed to switch\nworlds due to an invalid\nworld name. 15 \nAn unknown server error\noccurred.\n 16 Enable Music 17 Enable or disable music. 18 Music Volume 19 Set the volume level of the game music. 20 Music Type 21 Direct Music 22 Redbook Audio (CD) 23 Select the type of music. 24 Enable Sound FX 25 Enable or disable sound effects. 26 Sound Volume 27 Set the volume level of the sound effects. 28 3D Sound 29 Stereo 30 Direct 3D 31 Aureal 3D 32 EAX 33 Select the type of sound FX. 34 Sound Quality 35 8 Bit 36 16 Bit 37 Select the sound quality. 38 Go back to the previous menu. 39 Start with the selected avatar. 40 Go to the previous Realm. 41 Go to the next Realm. 42 \nThe file DEFAULT.CFG is\nmissing from the install\ndirectory. Please reinstall\nthe game. 43 \nError creating save\ndirectory.\n 44 \nError creating profile\nsave directory.\n 45 \nAn error occurred while\nloading the world.\n 46 Start a new multiplayer server. 47 Join a multiplayer game already in progress. 48 Setup your deathmatch player character. 49 Global Detail 50 Low 51 Medium 52 High 53 Custom 54 Select the global detail setting. 55 Particle Detail 56 Set the detail level for particle effects. 57 Polygrids On 58 Toggle rippling water effects on or off. 59 Head Bobbing On 60 Toggle head bobbing while walking on or off. 61 Weapon Effects On 62 Toggle first person weapon effects on or off. 63 Enable T Junctions 64 This fixes mis-matched polygon vertices which cause 'sparkles'. 65 Enable Fog 66 Check this to enable fog. 67 Triple Buffering 68 Check this to enable triple buffering. 69 Multi Texturing 70 Check this to enable multi texture support if your card has it. 71 Optimized Surfaces 72 Check this to enable optimized surfaces. 73 Light Maps 74 Check this to enable light maps. 75 Environment Mapping 76 Check this to enable environment mapping. 77 Start game on easiest difficulty. 78 Start game on a somewhat easy difficulty. 79 Start game on normal difficulty. 80 Start game on hard difficulty. 81 Start game on highest difficulty. 82 Start a new Nightmare. 83 Continue your recurring Nightmare. 84 Remember this Nightmare for later. 85 Multiplayer game. 86 Practice course. 87 Load custom levels. 88 Hint Box Time 89 Set the amount of time hint boxes remain. 90 Speech On 91 Toggle speech on and off. 92 Subtitles On 93 Toggle subtitles on and off. 94 Host Name 95 The name of your server. 96 Game Type 97 Deathmatch-Kills 98 Deathmatch-Artist 99 Deathmatch-Surgeon 100 Deathmatch-Conquerer 101 Death Tag 102 Type of game. 103 Teamplay 104 Off 105 On 106 Friendly Fire 107 Teamplay rules. 108 Max Players 109 Number of players allowed to join. 110 Frag Limit 111 Number of frags to win. 112 Time Limit 113 Time game will last. 114 Suicide Penalty 115 Number of frags subtracted for suicides. 116 Friendly Kill Penalty 117 Number of frags subtracted for teammate kills. 118 Starting Map 119 Choose the map you wish to begin on. 120 Map List File 121 Choose the text file which specifies order of maps. 122 Connection 123 Mode of players after respawning. 124 Respawn As 125 Player 126 Spectator 127 Mode of players after respawning. 128 Respawn Method 129 \n\nStarting Server... 130 \n\nConnecting... 131 Random 132 Farthest 133 Fewest Players 134 Farthest \ Fewest 135 Sequential 136 Method for determining respawn location. 137 Character Selection 138 Free 139 Random 140 Cycle 141 How players change characters. 142 Character Changing 143 Anytime 144 Map Changes 145 Death 146 When players change characters. 147 Allow FOV Changes 148 Allow field-of-view changes. 149 Start With Gauntlets 150 Toggle players starting with gauntlets vs. bare fists. 151 Start the Deathmatch. 152 Inventory Mode 153 Always Visible 154 Visible When Using 155 Never Visible 156 Change the mode of the HUD inventory display. 157 Crosshair Type 158 No Crosshair 159 Default 160 Choose the type of crosshair you wish to see. 161 Weapons Display 162 Toggle the HUD weapons display on or off. 163 Armor Display 164 Toggle the HUD armor display on or off. 165 Ammo Display 166 Toggle the HUD ammo display on or off. 167 Player State Display 168 Toggle the HUD player state display on or off. 169 Clue Display 170 Toggle the HUD clue display on or off. 171 Score Display 172 Toggle the HUD score display on or off. 173 Health Display 174 Toggle the HUD health display on or off. 175 Stats Display 176 Toggle the HUD stats display on or off. 177 Field of View 178 Change the default field of view. 179 Time Display 180 Toggle the HUD time display on or off. 181 Join an internet TCP/IP game. 182 Join an IPX network game. 183 Join a modem game. 184 Join a serial game. 185 Port 186 Search for servers on this port. 187 IP Address 188 Specify an IP address to add to the server list. 189 Add the server at IP Address to the list. 190 Remove the current server from the list. 191 Start the Deathmatch. 192 Servers Found 193 Name 194 IP Address 195 Ping 196 Game Info 197 Name: 198 Type: 199 Players: 200 Level: 201 Unknown 202 Unassigned 203 Button 0 204 Button 1 205 Button 2 206 Left Mouse 207 Right Mouse 208 Middle Mouse 209 Y 210 X 211 Rz 212 Joy Y-Axis 213 Joy X-Axis 214 Joy Z-Axis 215 Command 216 Keys 217 Double-click or hit Enter to bind a key. 218 To clear a command, select it and press 219 the delete key. 220 Load the currently selected save game. 221 Delete the game in the current save game slot. 222 No Picture Available 223 Score 224 Health 225 Time 226 Armor 227 Enable Flash Blending 228 Turn screen flashing on or off. 229 Start a Single Player game. 230 Configure the game for your system. 231 View cinematics and credits. 232 Go back to the current game. 233 Quit The Nightmare Child. 234 Mouse Sensitivity 235 Fine tune the mouse movement rate. 236 Mouse Input Rate 237 Fine tune the mouse sampling rate. 238 Invert Mouse Y-Axis 239 Flip-flop the effect of mouse up-down movement. 240 Mouse Look 241 Allow looking up and down via mouse movement. 242 Change your player name. 243 Change your player's title. 244 Change your players colors. 245 Change the brightness of the player color. 246 The type of elder you will play in deathmatch. 247 The name of the team you wish to join. 248 Toggle model rotation on and off. 249 Stops the light from rotating with the camera. 250 Name 251 Title 252 Player Color 253 Color Brightness 254 Player Class 255 Team 256 Rotate Model 257 Lock Light Position 258 Change graphics detail options. 259 Configure gameplay specific options. 260 Configure interface specific options. 261 Configure weapons preferences. 262 Change the gory details. 263 \nYou left me.\nI am a broken boy.\n 264 \nIf you leave me again\nI'm gonna have to smash\nthe gubs out of you!\n 265 \nYou can't leave me!\nI am a god! 266 \nWait! Don't leave me alone\nto be mobbed by these\nJapanese chicks!\n 267 \nThat's right! Go ahead\nand leave, you\ninternet hire!\n 268 \nYou just don't know what\nit takes to make a game! 269 \nThankfully, you have\ndecided to leave at\nan opportune time.\nThanks for everything,\nguys! 270 \nExit The Nightmare Child?\n 271 \n\nDo these settings\nappear correct?\n 272 \nThere is already a game\nin progress. Are you sure\nyou want to start\na new game?\n 273 \nAre you sure you wish\nto save over this game?\n 274 \nAre you sure you wish\nto delete this game?\n 275 \nAre you sure you wish\nto load a new game?\n 276 \nGame saved.\n 277 \n\nThe Nightmare Child was designed for\nthe realms to be played in a specific\norder. If you choose a character\nother than the Starbearer, you will not\nexperience the game as it was intended.\n\nDo you wish to start with this realm? 278 \nIf you leave me I'll just\nfind an incredibly talented,\nprofessional replacement!\n 279 Save Game Name 280 The name the game will be saved as. 281 Save a game in the current save game slot. 282 Delete the game in the current save game slot. 283 No Picture Available 284 Score 285 Health 286 Time 287 Armor 288 Assign buttons and keys to actions. 289 Configure mouse specific options. 290 Configure joystick specific options. 291 Configure advanced preferences. 292 Change video modes. 293 Change sound settings. 294 No Name 295 Continue to the next stage. 296 Stage Complete 297 Kills 298 Items 299 Secrets 300 Accuracy 301 Deaths 302 Distance 303 Stage Time 304 Stage Score 305 Choose A User Profile 306 Select an existing profile or create a new one. 307 Player 308 Enter a name for the new user profile. 309 Select the current profile 310 [BACK] 311 Renderer 312 Select the renderer to use. 313 Video Device 314 Choose the video device to use for rendering. 315 Resolution 316 Select the resolution of the video device. 317 Windowed 318 Toggle between windowed and fullscreen mode. 319 Test the current settings for 10 seconds. 320 Apply the current settings. 321 None 322 Bit Depth 323 Select the bit depth of the video device. 324 8 Bit 325 16 Bit 326 32 Bit 327 View rendered cinematics. 328 Give all your love to the developers. 329 Allow Blood 330 Toggle blood effects on and off. 331 Allow Limb Loss 332 Toggle gibbage on or off. 333 Ultimate Weapon Priority 334 Set the priority for ultimate weapons. 335 Windblade Priority 336 Set the priority for the Windblade. 337 Magma Cannon Priority 338 Set the priority for the Magma Cannon. 339 Zero Cannon Priority 340 Set the priority for the Zero Cannon. 341 Scourge Priority 342 Set the priority for the Scourge. 343 Melee Weapon Priority 344 Set the priority for melee weapons. 345 1 (Highest) 346 2 347 3 348 4 349 5 350 6 (Lowest) 351 Auto Aim Weapons 352 Toggle automatic aiming of weapons. 353 Use the scrollers to 354 set the priority for 355 each weapon.\n 356 When a new weapon is 357 found it will be selected 358 as the current weapon 359 only if it has a higher 360 priority than the weapon 361 being held.\n 362 When you run out of ammo 363 the weapon you have with 364 the highest priority will 365 be selected as the 366 current weapon.\n 367 Auto-Switch Weapons 368 Toggle automatic switching of weapons based on priorities. 369 Start the selected Quest. 370 Go to the previous Realm. 371 Go to the next Realm. 372 Difficulty Level 373 Lullaby 374 Daydream 375 Sleepless 376 Cold Sweat 377 Nightmare 378 Choose the skill level you wish to play on. 379 Go to the main menu. 380 LOADING... 381 Total Score 382 Not Completed 383 None 384 Weapon Start 385 Fists 386 Beast Claws 387 Punisher 388 Thornblade 389 Twister 390 Scourge 391 Magma Cannon 392 Zero Cannon 393 Windblade 394 Draco 395 Galaxion 396 Spirit Lance 397 Stargaze 398 Weapon End 399 Ammo Start 400 Magma Ammo 401 Water Ammo 402 Air Ammo 403 Earth Ammo 404 Ammo End 405 Pickup Start 406 Health 407 Angel Charm 408 Pamphlet 409 Blood Rose 411 Jack In The Box 412 Trigger 413 Rage Orb 414 Black Diamond 415 Purifier 416 Chaos Heart 417 Hawk Eyes 418 Crystal Ball 419 Ultimate Weapon 420 Key 421 Armor Start 422 Elder Gauntlets 423 Elder Boots 424 Elder Belt 425 Elder Breastplate 426 Elder Shoulderplates 427 Elder Mask 428 Armor End 429 Pickup End 430 Forward 431 Backward 432 Jump 433 Strafe Left 434 Strafe Right 435 Special Move 436 NONE 437 Slow 438 Strafe 439 Move Down or Crouch 440 Run 441 Move Up 442 Left 443 Right 444 Look Up 445 Look Down 446 Quit 447 Fire 448 Use 449 Pose 450 Walk\Run Toggle 451 Scoreboard 452 Weapon 1 453 Weapon 2 454 Weapon 3 455 Weapon 4 456 Weapon 5 457 Weapon 6 458 Next Weapon 459 Prev Weapon 460 Use Jack-In-The-Box 461 Use Hawk Eyes 462 Save Game 463 Load Game 464 Quick Save 465 Quick Load 466 Help 467 Toggle Health Display 468 Toggle Ammo Display 469 Toggle Inventory Display 470 Next Inventory Item 471 Previous Inventory Item 472 Use Inventory Item 473 Toggle State Display 474 Toggle Weapons Display 475 Toggle Armor Display 476 Toggle Clue Display 477 Toggle Score Display 478 Toggle Time Display 479 Toggle Stats Display 480 Increase HUD Level 481 Decrease HUD Level 482 Clipping Mode 483 Monster Targetting 484 Spectator Mode 485 Invulnerability 486 Chase Camera 487 Debug Key 1 488 Debug Key 2 489 Cycle Player Class 490 Gimmie Gimmie Gimmie 491 Camera Lock 492 Next Armor 493 Previous Armor 494 Movement 495 Actions 496 Weapons 497 Miscellaneous 498 Heads Up Display 499 Cheats 500 \nRunworld failed.\nCheck server DLL version\nand make sure they are\nin the Psycho directory.\n 501 \nPlaydemo failed.\nCheck server DLL versions\nand make sure they are\nin the Psycho directory.\n 502 Network protocol\nmismatch. Check\nfor patches or updates. 503 \nYou were disconnected\nfrom the server.\n 504 \nAn unknown error occurred.\n 505 \nThe file "DEFAULT.CFG" is\nmissing from the install\ndirectory. Please reinstall\nthe game.\n 508 \nYou must select "Custom"\nfor the Global Detail\noption if you wish\nto change this.\n 509 \nSome of the options you\nchanged will not take\neffect until you exit the \ngame and restart.\n 510 \nYou must start a new game\nor load a saved game\nbefore you can save one.\n 511 \nError creating save\ndirectory.\n 512 \nError creating profile\nsave directory.\n 513 \nAn error occurred while\nloading the world.\n 514 \nThis menu option is not\navailable in the demo.\n 515 \nUnable to initialize\nnetworking system.\n 516 \nFailed to Start Server.\n 517 \nValid values for the\nField of View are\n10 thru 170.\n 518 \nUnable to initialize\nTCP/IP driver.\n 519 \nThe server list\ncontains the maximum\nnumber of servers. 520 \nA server with the specified\naddress is already\nin the list. 521 \nNo servers to remove.\n 522 \nYou can only remove\nservers that were\nadded manually. 523 \nError removing server\nfrom list.\n 524 No Response 525 \nNetworking did not\ninitialize.\n 526 \nNo servers have been found.\nYou may add one by entering\nthe IP Address and choosing\n"ADD".\n 527 \nYou must select a server\nto join before starting\n 528 \nNo server was found\nat that address.\n 529 \nFailed to connect\nto server.\n 530 \n\nAutoSave games cannot\nbe deleted.\n 531 \nCould not delete save game.\n 532 \nSave game deleted.\n 534 \nAn error occurred while\nsaving the game.\nThe game was not saved.\n 535 \nGame saved.\n 536 \nAn error occurred while\nloading the game.\n 537 \nPlease enter a valid name\nfor the save game.\n 538 \nA user profile with\nthat name already\nexists. You must choose\nanother name.\n 539 \nLoading failed.\nCheck server DLL versions\nand make sure they are\nin the Psycho directory.\n 540 \nThe specified renderer\ncould not be found.\nUsing default renderer. 541 \nThe specified renderer\ncould not be selected.\nUsing default renderer. 542 \nThe specified device\ncould not be found.\nUsing default device. 543 \nAn error occurred\nwhile selecting.\nthe specified device. 544 \nThe specified video mode\ncould not be selected.\nUsing default mode. 545 \nThe specified video mode\ncould not be found.\nAnother mode was selected. 546 An error occurred\nwhile selecting.\nthe specified mode. 547 Could not open AUTOSAVE.NMC 548 Texture Quality 549 Set lower for video cards with less memory. 550 Next Monster 551 Previous Monster 552 Restart Level 553 Dead Zone 554 Adjusts the play in the joystick. 555 Invert Y Axis 556 Flip the Y axis behaviour. 557 Joy Look 558 Check this to enable looking with the joystick. 559 Joystick Up 560 Set the action for moving the joystick up. 561 Joystick Down 562 Set the action for moving the joystick down. 563 Joystick Left 564 Set the action for moving the joystick left. 565 Joystick Right 566 Set the action for moving the joystick right. 567 Button 0 568 Set the action for pressing this button. 569 Button 1 570 Button 2 571 Button 3 572 Button 4 573 Button 5 574 Slider 0 575 Set the action for moving slider 0. 576 Slider 1 577 Set the action for moving slider 1. 578 POV Hat Up 579 Set the action for pressing the POV hat up. 580 POV Hat Down 581 Set the action for pressing the POV hat down. 582 POV Hat Left 583 Set the action for pressing the POV hat left. 584 POV Hat Right 585 Set the action for pressing the POV hat right. 586 Ticket 587 Gamma Correction 588 Adjust this if the game appears too bright or too dark. 589 \n\nLoading Game... 590 Error reading from QuickSave file. 591 \nYou cannot save the game\nduring boss encounters. 592 You cannot save in a boss encounter. 593 You cannot save\nin an intro cinematic. 594 You cannot save in an intro cinematic. 595 Use Crystal Ball 596 Damage Bar Setting 597 Show All 598 No Horde 599 Bosses Only 600 Show None 601 Choose the damage bar level you wish to see. 602 %1!s!, %2!s!, joined the game. 603 %1!s!, %2!s!, left the game. 604 Draw Mirrors 605 Turn drawing of mirrors on and off. 606 Hud Toggles 607 Multiplayer Message 608 \n\nNo Multiplayer Maps Found! 609 Number of surface decals 610 Set the number of surface decals. 611 Time 612 Score 613 Stage Stats 614 Game Stats 615 Prediction 616 Toggles movement prediction for objects. 617 Connection 618 Choose the speed of your connection. 619 You cannot save while dead. 620 Choose the Elder who will face the Nightmare Realm. 621 \nThis realm is not available\nin the demo. 622 \nThis option is not available\nin the demo. 623 Start with belt 624 Toggle players starting with belt. 625 MSG: